Card of the Day: Four of Wands

Image description: The Four of Wands in the Next World Tarot.

Today’s card is the Four of Wands. Harmony.

This four says, “Today is always the first day of the rest of your life.”

More from the guidebook, “The 4 of Wands asks you to do as she does – hold onto the breadth of your enthusiasm and use it to both offer and embody inspiration.” – Cristy C. Road

Beloved tarot companions, where can you breathe into an awareness of your own survival?

What is the ground beneath your feet, the ground holding you up? What helps you feel grounded?

What would you name as your accomplishments? What have you done despite the obstacles in front of you?

Who is your chosen family, and how did you find them? How did you choose them? What does it say about your values and what you hold precious, that you chose these people to be in your world?

What defines ‘home’ for you? How have you built this home?

I pulled this card into a day marked by emotional distress, into a week overshadowed by violence and abuse and gaslighting and victim-blaming. I pulled this card into a context that is anything but harmonious.

And so, I pulled this card especially for those of us who resonated with the Ten of Swords earlier this week, and who are struggling with issues of intimate partner violence and abuse.

Where can you, you who have suffered and are suffering, find a moment of harmony? Where is the breadth of your enthusiasm, beloved? What do you love, and what does this love say about your lovely and longing and resilient heart?

You are here, surviving.

This is the first day of the rest of your life, and so is tomorrow, and so is the next day.

There is ground to stand on.

There is home.

There is chosen family.

There is music and there are plants and there is a soft sky above you.

There is you, with your heart.

What magic that is.